Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Come On Over!

Please come over to my new Trucker Buddy site! Although I will keep this blog, it will be my last post to it.

My new site is located here!

Be sure to read the announcements from me in the Forum to get started.



  1. Hi Trucker Buddy Tony,
    My name is Michele.I'm 8 years old.I like The Jonas Brothers.I like chocolate a lot,and brownies,and chocolate chip cookies.I like reading.I don't like vegetables.My hobbies are watching t.v.I've always wanted to go to New York.I like mango's.I like to learn a lot at school,and I want to learn something new.I really enjoy going to your website.I hope you drive safely on the road.You have been going on a lot of exciting places. P.S. i'm in 4th grade

  2. Hi Trucker Buddy Tony,

    My name is Alexis. I'm 9 years old. I Love Hannah Montana. I love to eat vegetables. My favorite sports are basket ball and i love all th pictures
    you posted have a great trip Alexis

  3. Hi Trucker Buddy Tony,my name is Austin. Your really bringing stuff for a concert.l That's really cool of you to bring stuff for a concert. You can just bring your stuff there,and just watch there. That's really awesome. And one last thing,how was your thanksgiving? Well I had a great thanksgiving. It was the best thanksgiving ever. My whole family slept over at my house. Well I gotta go now BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. My name is Justin and I am a in fourth grade I like your picture of that tall building it is awesome in school we have pretty fun stuff we are having a science fair my grades are good still and we have a basketball team that is the best our games are on saturday I can't what for our games all of my brothers and sisters are going to watch me play I got to go now trucker buddy tony bye

  5. Hi Trucker Buddy Tony my name is Alexis. I love the pics you posted in the past and in the present. They are so cool. Anyway the reason I love the pics so much is because there nice and so cute your mom is adorable the baby is so cute.
    What I learned from what you posted is that
    the gateway arch is 360 ft tall.

    The things that are happening in school is
    religion- we learned aboutJesus and Christmas.

    Merry Christmas Trucker Buddy Tony and family.

  6. Hi trucker buddy tony,My name is Jhery Mae Happy New YEAR. I learned that there is a Shoe Tree,and there is a long tunnel and you work for some bands bye .
