Sunday, March 8, 2009


Illinois Toll BoothMississippi RiverMississippi River Through Window
Iowa Roadside
Iowa Roadside Farm
Old Nebraska Roadside Church
Chicago Skyline
Chicago Skyline
North Platte Sunset
Click on Picture to Make Bigger!

Hey Kids,'s been a busy week for me so I am sorry I have not had time to post before this. I spent a lot of that time in Illinois last week, and even got close to Chicago. I have included some pictures of the Chicago skyline for you to see. Chicago is home to a very famous building. It is the tall black one with the white antennas at the top. Can you do a Google search and guess what the name of that building is?

During this trip I also got to take a quick load up to Wisconsin which is also very pretty. My load now is 28,000 pounds of blueberry muffins headed to Wal-Mart in Reno, NV which is getting very close to you! I picked that load up in Chicago on Thursday and will deliver Monday morning for a total of 1,900 miles.

I have a lot of pictures I took this time so I will be posting them over the next few posts. I will write again soon kids. Also, I am sending you something in the mail so Ms Sison should be receiving that either this coming week or the next. be good!



  1. Hi TB it's Karen and Thank You for the Dream Catcher.

  2. Hi trucker tony it's Nicholas the class saw your family.We saw the dream catcher.

  3. Hi Karen,

    You are so welcome for the dream catcher. I liked the colors. Write again, and have a good day at school.

  4. Hi Nicholas,

    I have a lot of pictures of my family. It seems like all I do is take pictures. I hope you like the dream catcher. I'll talk to you soon Nicholas. Be good!

  5. Hi trucker tony it's Nicholas does the Dream Catcher gets all of the bad dreams.

  6. Hi Nicholas,

    Yes, you are correct. I think it has other purposes too. We should Google dream catcher and see what else we can learn about why the Indians feel a dream catcher is important to their culture. My girls all have dream catchers.
