Just finished a load from Phoenix, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada of plastic milk bottles. I delivered them to Meadow Gold Dairy, and they will fill these plastic bottles up with milk and then another truck will come and pick up the full milk bottles and deliver them to your store.
Can you see how important trucks are to you and your family? If I don't deliver these plastic bottles to the dairy, then they have nothing to put their milk in, and you don't have any milk to buy at the store.
So think about what you see when you look at a plastic bottle of milk at the store. You see the bottle of course, and then you notice the delicious white milk inside of it. Well, there is also a sticker on the bottle telling you what kind of milk it is, a cap to keep the milk from falling out and a stamp to tell you how long the milk is good for.
So I just delivered the bottle that was made by a company in Phoenix. They had to have the caps delivered from another company by another truck, and the stickers were printed somewhere that had to be delivered too. Once the dairy has all of these things, they can have their machines fill the bottles, put the stickers on and stamp them. Then they are put into boxes and shipped on another truck.
One of the pictures shows my load of empty milk bottles. Another is a closer pic of me taken a few months ago and the last is of a rest stop just after sunset in Texas. Talk to you soon kids!