Hey Kids!
I have decided to keep this as the main site for us to talk to each other. It is easier to use, however you can still check my other site every now and then for updates and new pics that I may not post here!
I have been very busy the past several weeks! I started out in Chicago, Illinois and then went to Toronto, Canada. The picture above is from Toronto that I took of the CN Tower there. You can click on the picture to make it bigger if you want. From there I have been to Boston, East Rutherford, Washington DC, Charlottsville, Raleigh and now I am in Atlanta, Ga. Tonight when I will head south to Tampa, Fl and from there start heading west.
Here are a few links to look at some pictures I have taken over the past few weeks. Click on the first picture in the album to make it bigger and then just click the "next" button for the next picture until you have seen all of them.
Washington DC Pictures
Atlanta, Ga Pictures
Toronto, Ontario Canada Pictures
Let me know what you kids are doing in class and what you are learning! I'll talk to you soon. Be good kids!
I have decided to keep this as the main site for us to talk to each other. It is easier to use, however you can still check my other site every now and then for updates and new pics that I may not post here!
I have been very busy the past several weeks! I started out in Chicago, Illinois and then went to Toronto, Canada. The picture above is from Toronto that I took of the CN Tower there. You can click on the picture to make it bigger if you want. From there I have been to Boston, East Rutherford, Washington DC, Charlottsville, Raleigh and now I am in Atlanta, Ga. Tonight when I will head south to Tampa, Fl and from there start heading west.
Here are a few links to look at some pictures I have taken over the past few weeks. Click on the first picture in the album to make it bigger and then just click the "next" button for the next picture until you have seen all of them.
Washington DC Pictures
Atlanta, Ga Pictures
Toronto, Ontario Canada Pictures
Let me know what you kids are doing in class and what you are learning! I'll talk to you soon. Be good kids!